....this is the direct result of TOO much shopping with Grandma. Today was Grandma day! Every Wednesday, Carter and I go out to my mom's house and we attempt, and I really stress the attempt part, to be productive. We always make these BIG plans to take a walk, go to the park,... maybe do a little shopping...and that's where it goes downhill. Today started out with an innocent trip to Once Upon a Child and lunch at Portillo's, and slowly turned into a 4 hour long shopping extravaganza.
Throughout this past year everyone who has ever had a baby boy, or so it seems, has unloaded ALL of their baby clothes off on me. I am very grateful for their generosity and love getting "hand-me-downs", but after the 5th kid gave us their old clothes I found myself knee deep in baby clothes. I dedicated an entire day to sorting through ALL of the baby clothes I have acquired, which was no easy task. At the end of it all I had 2 garbage bags full (not to mention I saved SO many clothes that I had to keep some in my closet!) of very nice and gently used baby clothes that I decided to sell to Once Upon a Child...which was a total nightmare!!
So off we went to Once Upon a Child with our bags of baby clothes in tow. After lugging in Carter, the cart cover, 2 huge garbage bags of clothes, and my purse and fidgeting around with the cart trying to get the cover on, we finally got the clothes behind the counter to be looked over. We looked around at all the clothes and toys, and Carter got a new ball :), and I figured I'd buy a jogging stroller, which was only $40, with the money I got back from the clothes. Sounds pleasant enough right? I almost forgot to mention the 6 year old little girl with the runny nose who stuck close by to us, grabbing at Carter's hands and touching his face. If you're a "germ-a-phob" (sp?) preemie mom like me you know I was CRAWLING out of my skin!! I also forgot to mention that my little monster baby was hanging out of the cart grabbing everything in site and holding on SO tight to a stroller that we literally had to pry him off of it! We spent a good majority of the time dodging the snot nosed little girl and distracting Carter from all the "pretties", as we call them, everywhere. Ah...the clothes were done being looked over and I was ready to check out. I waited patiently in line as the lady went througha small laundry basket with about 6 or 7 shirts in it...she then brought me my same 2 garbage bags FILLED with clothes, and $12 for the few shirts they decided to keep. Seriously?! They wouldn't accept jean overalls because they didn't come with a shirt, and they didn't accept a cub's romper because it was "pilly"...and the rest were "out of style", I guess I didn't know that the babies that shopped there were Fashionistas. Who woulda thought?!
So back out to the car with our garbage bags and monster baby in tow...and off to Portillo's for a "quick" lunch and then to the park, or so we thought. At Portillo's, Carter had has first taste of Italian Beef which got him VERY hyped up...here are his reviews. (Sorry mom I couldn't edit you out)
We noticed that right by Portillo's was a Target and a Home Goods, we figured we'd breeze in there real quick, just to "look around". Of course Carter was the star of the show, everyone couldn't help but comment "those eyes", if only they knew :) Two hours and $50 later we returned to my car with just enough time to drop off my mom and get home to feed Carter his dinner. So here I am, after my "productive" day...with 2 bags of old baby clothes, and 2 more bags full of new things. If that isn't pure productiveness (is that even a word?!) I don't know what is.
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